Thursday, October 31, 2019

Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Government - Essay Example Also, according to Penalties for White Collar Crime (2012), â€Å"In addition to criminal penalties, many white collar offenses may give rise to civil lawsuits, brought either by the federal or state government, or by the victims of the offense. Any civil liability imposed as a result of these suits is in addition to, and not a substitute for, the penalties imposed in the criminal case† (pgh. 1). It is almost certain that this accountant will face state charges. Criminal federal charges may or may not be brought, depending upon the amount of the funds, and from where the funds were allegedly taken. These factors will determine what jurisdiction federal authorities will have in comparison with the local authorities. Of course, the defendant will not necessarily be charged with a felony depending upon how much money was allegedly embezzled. For example, in the state of Wisconsin, amounts of $2500 and up are considered felonies, while lesser amounts are considered misdemeanorsâ⠂¬â€so it really depends how much money was allegedly

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

'Stalin blundered into the Cold War.' Discuss Essay

'Stalin blundered into the Cold War.' Discuss - Essay Example Indeed, there are facets of the Cold War debate over which many of the contemporary scholars are in agreement, particularly with reference to Stalin’s paranoid personality. The focus of this study, however, is a matter of contention amongst eminent Cold War historians. Whether Stalin blundered into the Cold War out of a confusion and misjudgment of his adversaries’ intentions that derived from his suspicious personality, or whether the reality of an aggressive US foreign policy nurtured Stalin’s existing paranoia, thus forcing him into an unavoidable conflict will be one of the central themes of discussion. Taking into account and critiquing the work of prominent Cold War historians, this essay will serve to evaluate the origins of the Cold War with particular reference to Stalin. The study aims to demonstrate that Stalin greatly overestimated the US desire for war, and blundered into the Cold War as a result of his paranoia and obsession with personal and domest ic security. Looking at the Cold War through the lens of Gaddis, Matsny, Zubok and Pleshakov, a conclusion can be drawn towards how the Cold War originated from miscalculation and lack of judgment on part of Stalin. John Lewis Gaddis is one of the most influential post revisionist historians of the Cold War. In his book titled We Now Know, he clearly does not see Stalin as blundering into the Cold War. In fact, he is seen as a conscious initiator of the events that led to it, while the US is represented as merely reacting to the threatening desire Stalin held for world domination. Influenced by â€Å"Marxist Internationalism† and â€Å"Czarist Imperialism†1, Stalin had a personality that was conducive to paranoia and insecurity. It is this fusion of ideologies, coupled with an insecure personality that led to the Cold War. Gaddis therefore, sees Stalin’s ideology as a key figure in the Cold War. In its essence, Gaddis sees the Cold War as an ideological war betw een America and the Soviet Union, where American pluralist democracy and capitalism is argued as inherently superior to Soviet communism, and is the cure to the threat of a communist world. American historian Vojtech Matsny offers a distinct insight into the Cold War, and addresses one of the integral issues that Gaddis conveniently overlooks. In The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity, Matsny revolves around the figure and personality of Stalin, and his preoccupation with maintaining his autocratic rule. Stalin’s imperialistic approach towards rule deflects through his paranoia and insecurity that eventually led him into the Cold War. Aware of the lack of popular support his regime had, Stalin intelligently chose to cash in on the 2fundamental Bolshevik belief that â€Å"the outside world remained implacably hostile†. Carefully carving out a sense of â€Å"us† and â€Å"them† through help of the revolutionary communist ideology, Stalin’s prime objectiv e was to preserving his regime and maintaining power within the Soviet Union rather than world domination. As Matsny argues, Stalin did not deliberately wish for a Cold War, but considering his Soviet ideology and insecure imperialism, could not avoid it. For Matsny therefore, â€Å"

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Key Standards in Healthcare Informatics

Key Standards in Healthcare Informatics Sion Davoudi In healthcare, interoperability is the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data, and use the information that has been exchanged (What is Interoperability?, 2017). This necessary communication between systems can be achieved if consistent standards are used, and both syntactic and semantic meaning of information are defined in clear terms. When standards are consistent and implementable, they not only reduce the risks and timelines of health technologies, but also drive down costs significantly. According to Bender and Satripi (2013), the economic cost benefit of interoperability of healthcare information systems in the USA alone has been estimated at $77.8B (Bender Satripi, 2013). One relatively new standard that has been established seeks to solve these risks and realize these cost saving potentials. FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is a next generation framework created by the Health Level Seven International (HL7) organization. It combines the best features of HL7s v2 and v3 product lines while leveraging the latest web standards (Introducing HL7 FHIR, 2017). Although it closely resembles its predecessors, FHIR comes as a huge departure from previous messaging standards such as HL7 v2 and v3. FHIR was developed through an incremental and iterative approach, which allows it to reflect the contemporary standards of medical practice. The development process ensured that FHIR could adequately handle complex systems, with excellent usability that made it fit for use in the current healthcare contexts. Additionally, the system extensively uses open internet sources, making it both cheap and highly adaptable. HL7 v2 on the other hand, was not scalable and did not support jurisdictional information systems (Bender Satripi, 2013). Furthermore, it did not provide any support for any global enterprise identifiers, which made interoperability extremely difficult. The next iteration, HL7 v3 introduced the HL7 Development Framework, and used the Reference Information Model. Although it was considered an improvement over its older counterpart, the stan dard was not directly implementable and required substantial effort to generate executable software systems (Bender Satripi, 2013). FHIR supports both XML and JSON for data representation and sharing. According to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), XML is a set of rules, guidelines, and conventions for designing text formats for data, in a way that produces files that are easy to generate and read, that are unambiguous, and that avoid common pitfalls, such as lack of extensibility, and platform-dependency (XML in 10 points, 2017). In essence, XML is used when data is required to be share from one system to another. An example of XML code used for identification and definition of a medication is illustrated in Appendix A. Furthermore, for simplification, Appendix B illustrates how text input Hello HINF 6355! would appear in XML. FHIR in general is suitable for many times of data and contexts including mobile phone apps, cloud communications, EHR-based data sharing, and more (Introducing HL7 FHIR, 2017). While FHIR shows great promise to become a widely implemented standard, there are some criticisms of FHIR. Since FHIR creates a resource oriented environment, the implementation of its basic systems is relatively simple. However, constructing collections and interoperability relationships using base resources comes with very little guidance. The standards also use the base CRUD operations, but beyond that, there is little support for dynamic behavior (Bender Satripi, 2013). This may become a huge problem area to ensure interoperability, which is its primary task. Limitations aside, FHIR is gaining momentum and can become a widely implemented standard in coming years. Appendix A Appendix B References Bender, D., Sartipi, K. (2013, June). HL7 FHIR: An Agile and RESTful approach to healthcare information exchange. In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (pp. 326-331). IEEE. Introducing HL7 FHIR. (2017). Retrieved 13 January 2017, from What is Interoperability?. (2017). HIMSS. Retrieved 13 January 2017, from XML in 10 points. (2017). Retrieved 13 January 2017, from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Why We Baptize in Jesus Name :: essays research papers

Why We Baptize in Jesus' Name Introduction The subject of water baptism has long been called a great issue and no doubt has been made such by many church leaders of the past and present. In our study of it, let us first consider its importance, or the necessity of being baptized. The Importance of Water Baptism Christian water baptism is an ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ. If it is not important in the plan of God, why did Jesus command it in Matthew 28:19? And why did Peter follow up by saying, "Be baptized every one of you," and by commanding the Gentiles to be baptized (Acts 2:38; 10:48)? We must remember two points about the importance of water baptism. First, whatever Christ definitely established and ordained cannot be unimportant, whether we understand its significance or not. Second, Christ and the apostles showed the importance of this ordinance by observing it. Jesus walked many miles to be baptized, though He was without sin, saying, "For thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness" (See Matthew 3:13-16.) It is true that water itself does not contain any saving virtue, but God has chosen to include it in His plan of salvation. Peter explained, "Baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ" (I Peter 3:21). According to Luke 7:30, "the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized." The Mode of Baptism According to the Scriptures, the proper mode of baptism is immersion. "And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water" (Matthew 3:16). "And they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him" (Acts 8:38). "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death" (Romans 6:4). A corpse is not buried by placing it on top of the ground and sprinkling a little soil on it, but by covering it completely. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, "At first all baptism was by complete immersion" (vol. 1, p.651). And the Catholic Encyclopedia states, "In the early centuries, all were baptized by immersion in streams, pools, and baptisteries" (vol. 2, p.263). Immersion was not convenient after the Catholic church instituted infant baptism; thus the mode was changed to sprinkling. (See Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

BOSCH GmbH- Human Resource Management Essay

In our work the foreign dispatch process is examined, how far the global requirements on the resource staff are met by Bosch. The measures, Bosch developed for the choice, preparation, moving and reintegration of its employees has been examined and set against the common practice of other enterprises. The work starts with a representation of the enterprise Bosch. The main part is a detailed representation of the measures of Bosch with respect to the four phases of the foreign dispatch. These are judged with the theory from technical literature and compared with the common practice of other enterprises. Subsequently the question is followed whether the expansion plans in the direction of the China require a customization of the staff management. Finally we draw a conclusion whether the measures of Bosch are suitable to fulfill the requirements or must be changed. 2. Bosch2.1 Historical developmentThe enterprise Bosch was set up under the name â€Å"workshop for precision engineering and electrical engineering† in Stuttgart in the year 1886 by the engineer Robert Bosch. The international orientation already started early. In 1898 they founded the first branch office in England (London). One year later they opened a dependance in France (Paris). The first branch office followed in the USA in 1906. The international development has continued until today. In 2003 75% of the manufacturing sites are outside Germany. With daughter and associated companies Bosch is present in more than 50 countries worldwide. Bosch is one of the biggest industrial enterprises in Germany today and is a global player especially in the automobile industry. Bosch has convinced with its innovations since their foundation and has a high position in the market. In 1897 Bosch developed the first low voltage magneto ignition which firstly made the use of internal combustion engines possible. The innovation strength has remained until today; so Bosch was the first component supplier bringing innovations like ESP the anti-lock braking system anti-lock braking system, the navigation system under the names â€Å"Travelpilot† and the electronic stability system on the market. Bosch recognized the significance of its employees for the innovation and market success early, too. In 1906 Bosch introduced the â€Å"eight hour day† when celebrating the delivery of the 100,000 sten magnet igniter. With the delivery of the 500,000 sten igniter they introduced work free Saturday afternoons. 2.2 The Bosch, group todayToday enterprise Bosch consists of the motor vehicle technology, industry technology and use and goods technology. Their core competence and most important unit is still the vehicle technology. This can be proved by regarding the sales volume. The share of this division was 65.4% in the year 2003. The sales development and its foreign share is displayed in graphic 1. Bosch doubled the sales volume within only 10 years, from approx. 16 billion  to 36 billion euros. However, the foreign share of the sales volume increased proportionally faster. From 49% in 1993 it rose up to 71% in 2003. These data underline again the strong international orientation of the company. According to this Bosch has employees all over the world. In 2003 Bosch employed 230,000 people worldwide with a share of 54% outside of Germany. 2.3 The corporate cultureThe idea of the corporate culture is interpreted differently in the literature. Berthel defines corporate culture as follows: Corporate culture is â€Å"the sum of the moral concepts, carried a business together of the employees norms and behavior patterns this one has taken shape in the course of the time†. The philosophy of Robert Bosch stamps the corporate culture since the foundation. So he wrote in 1919: â€Å"It has always been an unbearable thought to me that someone could inspect one of my products and find it inferior . I have therefore always tried to ensure that only look for work goes out that is superior into all respects â€Å". In the year 2001 this culture was strengthened by the new model â€Å"Be Better Be Bosch† and the values were formulated in a written form for the first time. They initiated a modernization project called â€Å"Be QIK†. This model functions as action framework for the after stored aims and strategies:†¢Be QIK, Quality, innovation and Customer oriented†¢Be Better — improve against previous years and gain the competitive edge,†¢Be Bosch, committed to our vision, our tradition and of the spirit of a the company and the legacy of our founder Robert Bosch. The enterprise therefore tries to create a global behaviorial framework, which takes over the orientation function, identification function, coordination and integration function and helps to manage the challenges of the future. 3. Foreign dispatch process at Bosch3.1 Aims of the foreign dispatchBy the assignment of highly qualified employees Bosch aims at a compensation of a lack of know-how in the respective host country. Furthermore Bosch wants to rise the cross culturel skills of their executives in order to improve the  cooperation with foreign departments. Additionally it is possible for the ambitious employees to request for a dispatch in order to enhance their motivation. An important aim of foreign dispatches is finally the implementation of a worldwide corporate culture through which the communication and cooperation within the Bosch group is made easier. 3.2 Dispatch formsBosch distinguishes three dispatch forms. The business trip, the delegation as well as the transfer. The business trip with a duration of up to three months serves to establish contacts or also to conclude business on the spot. With the delegation Bosch distinguishes between the dispatch for the fulfillment of a project task or the dispatch in the context of trainee programs. The expatriate is abroad for a duration between three months and a year. If it is necessary to cover a lack of manpower a transfer is carried out. In this case the duration of the stay abroad is between one and five years. Bosch averagely dispatches their employees for three years. 3.3 Foreign dispatch processA carefully structured dispatch process is very important for Bosch to ensure the success of the foreign dispatch. To this, at first the occupation order is prepared which contains the necessary qualifications of the employee with regard to the vacant job. The choice of a suitable candidate, the dispatch conversation and the information journey to the possible country are the next steps of the process. After this journey the employee finally decides whether he accepts the position abroad. If he agrees, the employee is prepared comprehensively for the stay abroad. Then the moving to the foreign country takes place. After the job completion the employee is reintegrated. The individual phases of the foreign dispatch process are explained in the following more precisely. 3.3.1 Choice3.3.1.1 Theoretical bases and enterprise practiceThe best liability for a success of foreign dispatch can still be seen in the right choice of the employees to be sent. This should include technical criteria, behavior-related criteria, intercultural environment-related criteria as  well as personal criteria. When choosing a suitable dispatch candidate enterprises often orientate at technical performances. However, empirical examinations show, that competences or-related behavior and-related intercultural environment abilities for the cultural customization have a greater influence on the success of the foreign activity. Other surveys from the 1990s confirm that individual performance features are in the foreground at the choice. In addition, they show that the family is hardly co-included in the decision. An interview under Expatriates points, that the well-being plays the family an important role for the professional success. Choice at BoschBosch has recognized the importance of extra-technical criteria for the choice of a suitable dispatch candidate. Besides the career potential, which are investigated by the employee development instruments (see chapter 2.2), features like team and communication ability or representation of the Bosch culture are co-included in the decision. The latter has a great importance for the support of the implementation of a worldwide corporate culture, one of the aims of the foreign dispatch. 3.3.2 Preparation3.3.2.1 Theoretical bases and enterprise practiceInstitutes specialized in further education and intercultural management distinguish between a country specific and country general as well as intellectual and experience obtained preparation. The respective confrontation of these preparation methods shows the following classifications:†¢Intellectual country specific preparationPrimarily general information about the host country is mediated and language courses carried out here. Culture games are, such as the cultural assimilator training. †¢Experience-related country specific preparationThe political, economic and socio-cultural conditions of the host country shall be given to the expatriate a better understanding. With the help of case studies and role plays as well as information journeys the expatriates are prepared for country and culture specifics. †¢Intellectual preparationThe cultural self awareness model plays an important  role in this preparation class. It assumes that it is important to remind the participant of his own stereotyped and behaviors in order to develop a sensibility for the foreign maybe strange looking cultural aspects. †¢Experience-related country general preparationThis preparation method which shall enlarge the intercultural competence of the expatriates (on The job by Outdoor training, intercultural simulation games) consists of the cooperation on international teams as well as of an intercultural action training. â€Å"Source of the success of foreign dispatches is the degree to which an expat is able to establish contacts and manages to overcome culture barriers and to find the way in the strange culture†. The chief attention of the preparation in German and American companies lies in the technical education, the execution of a language training as well as the arrangement of general country information, though. An experience-related preparation seldom takes place. The external execution of the preparation measures is in general preferred opposite the internal one. The family moreover is only seldomly included in the preparations although family problems belong to the most frequent reasons for the failure of foreign dispatches. After a study of the auditing company PriceWaterhouseCoopers 40% of all Expatriates return home ahead of schedule. 96% of these on impulses of the family which often doesn’t cope with the surroundings. The final conclusion is that the size of the preparation is very small in the entrepreneurial practice. Preparation at BoschBosch practices comprehensive preparations for both its employees and their families to ensure the success of their foreign dispatch. At the beginning of the preparation Bosch offers a information journey which is designed for employees who go abroad for longer than 12 months. Before the definite decision, Bosch gives its employees the  opportunity to go to the host country with the companion of their partner. The stay lasts for two to three days, within Europe outside Europe’s approximately one week. By this â€Å"look and sea trip† the employee and his companions can get a better idea of the future place of residence. That shall prevent them from forming unrealistic expectations. If the employee decides to accept the job offered abroad, the real preparation starts. The central HR department is responsible for the execution of the preparation transfers (ZM2). It builds a preparation plan with measures which are coordinated with the needs of the respective employee. The aim of the preparation with Bosch is the arrangement of intercultural competence. This consists of country specific knowledge, linguistic proficiency as well as cultural sensibility of the three elements together. Country specific knowledgeThe arrangement of country specific knowledge contains information about the framework conditions of the host country. Formalities which are connected with a stay abroad are given to the Expatriates and their companions traveling along in a so-called â€Å"Bosch foreign preparation seminar†. So-called â€Å"mentors†, employees already returned home, convey information e.g. to the contract of employment or for tax regulations. By the use of mentors Bosch guarantees that experiences collected abroad are passed on and therefore used for new dispatches effectively. Linguistic proficiencyThe knowledge of the respective national language is prerequisite for a dispatch, because it is very important for an integration in private and in working life. Bosch employees have to learn the foreign language until they reach a level that enables them to come along in working life without any problems. If they want to learn more, they also have the possibility of attaining comprehensive knowledge. The family is tied to ensure that it can find the way in daily life. The language education takes place externally and Bosch takes on the costs both for the employee and for the family. The company attaches importance to the fact that the education starts early so that the required knowledge is reached before the dispatch. Cultural sensibilityThe cultural sensibility of the employees shall be promoted by two measures: the intercultural preparation training as well as the intercultural management training. The intercultural preparation training has the aim of sensitizing the employee to the think and behavior patterns of the host country to make the integration into the strange cultural environment easier for him. If the training is carried out internally, so-called country teams are responsible for it. These teams consist of employees who have made experiences in the respective host country or even are from this country themselves. This five-day intercultural preparation training is offered both for the employee and for the family since this is confronted with the same integration or understanding difficulties concerning the strange culture. This has particularly to be taken into account when thinking of the growing importance of multicultural cooperations, e.g. in the context of joint ventures or international project work. 3.3.3 MovingAt Bosch receives the Expatriate supports for the carrying out of the necessary formalities by the so-called Bosch foreign preparation seminar. When the employee finally starts his stay abroad he usually feels like on holiday. Everything is new to him and he is fascinated by his new task at the company and the new country itself. But this positive feeling often changes after a few months when the first serious problems occur. He feels helpless because he can not manage the situation in the new surrounding. This is called cultural shock. To keep the cultural shock as low as possible, Bosch looks after his employees during their stay and helps them when problems appear. The cultural shock can never completely prevented especially if the difference between the cultures is very large. Nevertheless Bosch tries to prepare their employees by showing general culture differences so that they can deal with problems easyierly. Furthermore Bosch offers his expatriate an intensive coaching. The employee has a mentor in the native country who is two hierarchical orders higher than himself. They meet at least once a year to talk about problems abroad or about further plans of the employee after his return to germany. In addition, a strengths-/ weaknesses analysis is carried out to be able to comprehend the development of the employee and not lose the summary of the knowledge and abilities. An examination of Schroll-Machl shows that the support of the Expatriates is often insufficient in the practice. Many Expatriates have the impression that their enterprise leaves them alone and it doesn’t support at problems. They must manage various difficulties at the same time. Family problems moreover aren’t taken into account in the context of the support in the practice. However, wife and children are especially confronted with greater customization difficulties than the staff member because they have more frequent contacts to the strange culture. 3.3.4. Reintegration3.3.4.1 Theoretical bases and enterprise practiceAfter the expiry of the delegation period the Expatriate returns back to the parent company. A successful reintegration of the employee is both of high entrepreneurial and financial importance. A negative signal starts out from a failed reintegration for other parent company members. The readiness to accept an offer for a foreign activity sinks. Furthermore the financial dimension of the complete dispatch process including the return has to be taken into account. American studies value the total costs of the foreign assignment of an employee at up to 1 millions $. In connection with this, it is surprising that only few enterprises care for the repatriation of their employees professionally. A KPMG examination from the year 2000 showed that 67% of all interviewed people who were delegated abroad said that there is need for improvement at the reintegration process of their enterprise. This criticism has to be taken  seriously since problems with the reintegration have serious consequences for the Expatriate and the enterprise like e.g. a low work motivation or even the cancellation and the change to another enterprise. According to an examination of Black (1992) the share of the returnees who cancel their job within one year after their return due to integration problems is about 25%. The causes of these reintegration diffic ulties are multilayered. You can subdivide them into operational and private difficulties. Operational levelThe search for a suitable position often turns out to be difficult since the HR departments can assess hardly the qualification development of the returnee during his stay abroad. In addition returnees often have exaggerated expectations and therefore are disappointed of the offered job in their home company. They often have the impression that their new skills especially about the country they spent a lot of time in are not appreciated. A study of Wirth from the year 1992 has shown that merely 30% of all enterprises evaluate the experiences of its employees after a stay abroad. Another aspect of the reintegration is the cessation of foreign raises and other privileges. Private LevelProblems frequently appear also in the private area of the Expatriates. During their stay abroad the often only keep the positive aspects of their life in Germany in mind, the negative everyday problems appear only after the return and the first euphoria. The culture of one’s own seems alienated and it comes to the double cultural shock. Particularly the children have to suffer from the new surroundings and from the change since they have accepted the strange culture more strongly, had to leave friends and don’t cope with the German school system any more. For the expatriates and their partners it is difficult to abstain from grown fond privileges like e.g. chauffeur, domestics for themselves or a swimming pool. Reintegration with BoschAs a company with strong international orientation Bosch has recognized the meaning of a successful reintegration of returnees and supports the reintegration of its employees with numerous measures at an operational and private level to put a positive and encouraging signal for future dispatches. Measures of the operational reintegrationBosch offers a very comprehensive and strategic personnel policy which takes into account the personal ambitions of the dispatched employees and the future need for highly qualified managers. This prevents Bosch from the problem frequently appearing that no adequate place can be offered to the returnee. Due to its size Bosch is moreover able to offer alternatives in the case of an abrupted dispatch process, like e.g. early return or dissatisfaction with the return position. As already explained different studies have shown that exaggerated experiences on the part of the returnees is the main reason for dissatisfaction with the position after the reintegration. To counteract this, Bosch regularly looks after the expatriate by a hierarchy higher mentor of the parent company. By this he keeps informed about all important developments in the company and furthermore he has contact person for career questions. Due to this permanent communication Bosch is able to get an exact idea about the situation and processes in the foreign business. Another important aspect which fundamentally contributes to the satisfaction of the returning employee is the appreciation and the use of the abroad acquired knowledge. Bosch evaluates the foreign experiences of its expatriates very comprehensively and endeavours suggestions for improvement. Furthermore the HR department tries to find a position in which the returnee can use his new won abilities optimally. This could be e.g. a position in the sales department of the region in which the expatriate was active. Furthermore the returnees have the opportunity to study further in order to work as an expert for the country they stayed in and prepare other employees for future dispatches. The â€Å"BeQIK† corporate culture, introduced in 2001, plays an important role for a successful reintegration. Since all subsidiary firm shall work according to the given behavioral framework, the cultural distance turns out a little bit smaller between host country and native country. Since the practical putting into action of the behavior guidelines is always subject to cultural influences, the degree of the relief should be assessed rather carefully. Measures of the private reintegrationTo make the reintegration  easier for the returning expatriate and his family, Bosch offers comprehensive help. They support their employees when they search for an apartment and takes on arising extra tuition costs for the children to make the integration into the German school system easier. Furthermore other Bosch employees who returned from stays abroad in the past can give advice in so called â€Å"returnee seminars† where other persons affected talk about its experiences. 4. Asia, challenge and chance†Rapidly arising markets in the Far East and Bosch takes part †¦ â€Å"This statement of Bosch Bohr, the chairman of the area of motor vehicle technology, shows the meaning of company leaders, which will be attached to Asian and especially to the Chinese market. After a turnover growth obtained already 2003 in China of over 20%, Bosch wants to improve his presence further in the empire of the middle. In the following sections will be analysed, which changes or requirements to the Bosch foreign dispatch will bring the future in the Asian market. 4.2 requirements on German executives in China4.2.1 The intercultural difficultiesThe clashing of different cultures, values and particularly the different styles of management and philosophies leads very frequently to difficulties in the subsidiary firms. To notice which one is the most frequent and greatest problem that the Chinese executives have in the cooperation with German executives and vice versa, the results of a study from the year 1999 shall be illustrated, which Chinese and German manager were working in German enterprises in China. Among the problems, which the Chinese managers have with the colleges from abroad, the most important are the communication problems, like is described in the chart above. The culture, communication, mutual understanding and language are connected closely with each other belong to this category: due to the different culture and the language barrier no satisfactory communication takes place  and therefore it doesn’t come to a mutual understanding. In this connection the bad English knowledge of German managers and their lack of understanding of the Chinese culture will be especially found fault by Chinese colleges. 10% of the mentioning are allotted to problems of the human relations. It disturbs the Chinese executives most, that they are treated differently in comparison with the Expatriates and they don’t have much confidence in Chinese colleges. This is the reason in their opinion that it doesn’t come to friendships between foreign and Chinese executives who are very welcome on a Chinese. The arrogance and haughtiness of the foreigners are also criticized and the lack of interest in the Chinese population. The professional requirements are high: inside the Chinese employees are hungrily to learn the new specialized knowledge of the foreign executive and they notice very fast, weather the German executives aren’t not ready or capable in the expected scale, to give this knowledge further. In connection with this, it is criticized that German executives prefer to work alone, they aren’t cooperative. In the Chinese working world one comes upon, however, the Explanation the Help and Assistance to each other. By the cessation of the in the past (before the open-door policy of China) usual lifelong job in the same enterprise and the fact that one can be discontinued because of a bad performance a considerable pressure is triggered to do well the work and this can have discouraging influence on the employees. There is the high burden of work which lets few leisure time as well as time for the own family. General Manager have variously and very far scattered breadth of the answers without the number of the mentioning being different from each other fundamentally on the part of the foreign ones. Any problem is emerging as  dominate. Problems are most frequently mentioned are in the areas of communication, labour organization, qualification and management. The general managers from abroad find some problems with their Chinese executives not only in the area of the communication. For example they don’t seem to be able to solve their problems with a better communication. However the understanding stands for the Chinese executives, at first place and the lack of communication is also becoming responsibly for many difficulties in the company. 4.2.2 Cultural distinction and integrationThe culture isn’t reflected only in politics and in the everyday life, (i.e. in the social and consume behaviour) but it also influences the business methods, the management behaviour and the relations of employees and employers. In the following section are discussed certain general Asian culture features and their implications for the staff management . Group identity versus individual identityTian xia Wei gong: â€Å"Everything serves the community under the sky†. So there is a Chinese proverb from the old days which has validity today certainly too. The individual never was in the foreground but always, the community within the particular represents a tiny member. This specific and deeply rooted feature has important implications for the staff management: So the individual recognition (punishment) should be carried out in private, the team’s recognition should be carried out barefaced. Conflict avoidanceMost cultures of Asia avoid systematically the open conflict holding. The avoidance of open conflicts is in a close connection with the Confucianism. Straight criticism and open contradiction are accompanied by the danger to lose face and fall to the social trifle. Keeping faceMost Asian societies are settled by the principle of the disgrace (the public humiliation) not by the principle of guiltiness (feeling of individual responsibility, conscience). The concept of the saving face is comprehensively valid, characterizes every human relation and is very important for the staff management since it forbids the public humiliation of employees. Respect opposite to higher-ranking and oldRespect, restraint and modesty are part of the etiquette in the Asian culture room generally. Hierarchies have a more important role (often according to old, rank and sex) than in Germany. The formal authority isn’t called into question; this is part of the harmony commandment. However, one shouldn’t put the Asian respect before the authority absolutely. A bad supervisor is also criticized in Asia and will be corrected though indirect: by pressure on third party, anonymous letters, passive behaviour and resistance, which are disguised with excuses or by frequent illness or really irrational behaviours, like panic bouts. The re-registration is frequently encoded. So the western manager must learn how indirect signals of the discontent should be decoded or interpreted. The respect of the age is one of the basic concepts of a Confucian intellect. The Age doesn’t make only wise but gives a natural authority. Seniority and hierarchy thinking still established tightly in the heads of the Chinese managers. Foreign companies are smitten with the distinguishing between respect of certain hierarchies and the necessity of the support managers who render the corresponding service but don’t have the right age yet. In order to be accepted a younger manager must be more competent than an old one. GuanxiGuanxi has to be translated by the following expression â€Å"personal relations and connections†. It plays a large role in China in all areas of the life; it works as â€Å"sesame-open you† when required because clear and codified jurisdiction doesn’t have any tradition, relations are solution key  for all problems. Western Managers should pay more attention to â€Å"Guanxi† if they want to succeed in china. 4.2.3 Recruitment and motivation of local workersThe recruitment of highly qualified staff and the tie of won workers with the enterprise are a big problem area with which many foreign businesses are confronted in China. These phenomena shall be represented here only briefly since a detailed description would blow up the frame of this work. Recruitment of local workersThe absence of qualified personal is responsibly for the high fluctuation. More and more enterprises try to find Chinese university graduates who are trained in Germany for the business in china. Motivation of local workersIf one has found local executives, one must be able to keep it because the high fluctuation is connected to high costs. Different instruments can contribute to soothe or to overcome the staff bottleneck. These are e.g. the image-building (charitable events), the training (further education possibilities have a high place value) as well as a solid and long-term career promotion strategy. For young highly qualified stuff, a good salary and promotion chances are decisive for staying in the enterprise. 4.3 Optimization/customization of the dispatch process for/to ChinaIf one carries now out an optimization of the foreign dispatch process with Bosch to the employee-employer relationships in China against the background of the executed Asian culture features and criticisms of the Chinese Manager of their German colleagues and colleagues, then the following implications are the result:As a rule, an intercultural preparation takes place. No reason is seen for preparations for the Chinese executives in most enterprises. It will hold the assumption that the Chinese executives must adapt to the western behaviour patterns and methods of working. A common intercultural training is, however, absolutely essential in China for the following reasons:The great difficulties which arise from the lack of mutual understanding, are in a close connection with the knowledge about the respecting other culture, the action sample and moral concepts, but also its enterprise philosophies and styles of management. An intercultural seminar can make considerably, behind certain behaviour which explanations and which roots suit to an executive. It doesn’t prevent the appearance of problems but it offers to possibilities of reacting specifically and developing common action strategies. Furthermore a Chinese executive can for example be made familiar with the German culture as follows: by consignments to the German parent company, international stays, participation in international management courses of Chinese universities or in business Schools. Also for partner and children problems arise in the context of a longer stay abroad. Acceptable solutions must therefore be found also for the family. It is often impossible just in the pacific space to solve the language problems satisfactorily what a far-reaching isolation of the marriage partner and the children can cause with negative family consequences. Therefore the language standard should correspond to that one of the Expatriate which enjoys an education on the standard of the easy communication in the work everyday life. Despite good preparations for marriage partner and if necessary children problems often arise of the cultural integration and problems at school. For the better integration contacts to partners of other Expatriates should be organized. The possibility of working abroad is very important for the partner who accompanies the Expatriate abroad. An intensive cooperation with other enterprises on the spot would be necessary to realize the professional way of expatriate’s wife in China. If no place can be found, the possibility  should be offered for a further training for the meaningful use of the â€Å"timeout† such as a master course of studies. 4.4 Bosch measures for ChinaAll preparatory training is evacuated to the IFIM, the institute for intercultural management in Bad Honnef, since Bosch internal country speakers are specialized in European countries till now. The information journey which shall convey an impression to the Expatriate over its potential future place of work can be extended by max. two days. Another prolongation isn’t granted since the employees/inside activities are used at home and every longer stay also more costs for Bosch meant for hers. The language education is carried out in a 5-week language course at the national language institute NRW in Bochum for which the future Expatriate is put by its work activity completely freely. In the 2 annual cycle the personnel officer the ZM2 accompanies a potential Expatriate on an information journey and this one checks life and employee-employer relationships on the spot. Although Bosch mediates e.g. alone for the partner, however give up many arrangements, not at the job search because of the language requirements. As a rule, Bosch can arrange a job for 5% of the partners. To subsume it, this yields no big changes in the dispatch process especially for China. Professional external help is used regarding the training, one otherwise orientates himself at the worldwide valid dispatch process. 5. ConclusionThe Bosch group is a worldwide active enterprise that on the international markets, special it would like to be present on the Asian market in future. This strategy makes high demands on the staff since intercultural understanding is increasingly important besides technical qualities. International employee use represents a central instrument of the staff development. According to the high importance the dispatch process is organized very professionally by Bosch in all four phases (choice,  preparation, moving, and repatriation). This enormous effort beats itself in very low withdrawal rate, these are only 1-2 % in Bosch and lie under the reference values of other enterprises thus considerably. A possible disadvantage of the time intensive preparatory phase which lasts for at least 10 weeks is the lack of flexibility. Short-term manpower requirements due to problems, like e.g. demolition of a stay abroad or illness of a manager cannot be covered with the usual staff practice in Bosch. The preparation measures of Bosch seem very well suitable also for the dispatch to China, a stronger focus on the language education of the family and the social should be put as well as professional integration of the partner. In order to make an improved cooperation possible of the Expatriates on the spot, a common intercultural training is advisable with the Chinese colleagues. Bibliography Bosch (2004A:) The â€Å"Objectives and Principles† of Employee Development, order enterprise booklet at at all Bosch’s personnel departments as well as Central division employee development and executives (ZM3). Bosch (2004 B): Bosch Australia † — regional corner clays of The Bosch Group â€Å"orders: (12.04.2004). Bosch (2003A): â€Å"Business report† 2003, (11.04.2004). Bosch (2003B): â€Å"Bosch today†, order (10.04.2004). Bosch (2003/2004 ): Worldwide responsibility † — environmental report 2003/2004 â€Å",order: (01.05.2004.)Kuan, Y.-C./Hà ¤ring-Kuan, P. (2001): Journey guest in China, 1st edition, Dormagen. Nickut, J. (2003:) â€Å"Subject and leadership potential recognize and systematicpromotes † to order under : HrNickut-RobertBosch.pdf (01.05.2004). Nickut, J./Loose, H., (2000): â€Å"A step to the global player — international choice- AC of Robert Bosch GmbH â€Å". In: Staff, exercise book 7/2000, S.360, 363. Redding, dear/Ng, M. (1982): The Role of ‘Face’ in The Organizational Perceptions of Chinese manager, in: Organization study, 3rd year, no. 3, S.201-219. Welge, K.-M./Holtbrà ¼gge, D. (2003): International management, 3rd edition, Stuttgart. List of the Internet sources: (14.05.2004). (14.05.2004). (13.05.2004) (13.05.2004)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Unix Multiprogramming

The computer allocated in UNIX to every process, whether a system task or user task. The choice of task to be executed when the CPU becomes free is based on a formula that penalizes tasks that have used most CPU cycles in the recent past. The process priority which can be set by super user (root) is an important part of this formula. The CPU scheduling algorithm is simple but allows users some measure of control over their workstation performance. The CPU speed defines the capacity of a mainframe for a given release of the operating system. All other hardware components are usually configured so that when the system is fully loaded, the CPU which is by far the most expensive resource becomes the bottleneck. In order to give the user the impression of simultaneous execution, the CPU must be allocated alternatively among the individuals processors. This task is managed by scheduler, a special processor that maintains a list of normal processes and sees to it that the processor handles the next process at certain time intervals. There are various strategies that a scheduler can use to determine which process to handle next, one of these strategies is (round robin) selects the next respective process in the list at regular intervals and puts it at the end of the list after the allocated time if the process is not yet finished. Another strategy assigns each process a priority, whereby processes with higher priority are allocated more CPU time. UNIX employs nice levels, which allow the user to influence the internal priorities of processes. This allows the user to reduce significantly the encumbering of the system by programs running in the background. Likewise the administrator can also raise the priority of important process to ensure faster execution. UNIX does timesharing as well as multiprogramming. Timesharing creates the illusion that several processes execute simultaneously, even though there maybe only one physical CPU.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gay Marriage Was Never a Right. essays

Gay Marriage Was Never a Right. essays This article is one that I have to say that I agree and disagree with. Jason Fletcher makes a statement that Gay marriage was never legal so why and try and fight it. I am very much so as of now on the side of Gay rights. Only because this is a free country and I think that also includes that we are free to be married to whoever makes us happy. I don t agree with the statement that he make s that homosexual marriage puts the state in the position of saying that fathers and mothers are not necessary because two men or two women have the same status and legitimacy. Just because there may be a small majority out there that are choosing to live a life with the same sex does in no mean have to mean that fathers and mothers are not necessary. People should do what makes them happy and even if kids are involved in the relationship they will still get the same love as if it was mom and dad, in most cases. And kids are not dumb these days. They know that it s not normal but a kids loves th ere mommy and daddy s no matter what. I think they can comprehend the situation just fine. It all depends if the partners will take the time and explain it to them. But on the other hand I can see where he is coming from. Because it is in the bible that a man and a woman are meant together but it is also meant for you to be with the one that makes you happy. And you know that you know that they are the one. What ever makes you happy. I think that is what you should go for. I think that this is a thing that only God really knows the destiny and the right behind it, but as long as it is around, people should live with it and not let it turn into a discrimination. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Science and philosophy essays

Science and philosophy essays Science is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Philosophy is the investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. Science is literally knowledge, but more usually denotes a systematic and orderly arrangement of knowledge. In a more distinctive sense, science embraces those branches of knowledge of which the subject-matter is either ultimate principles, or facts as explained by principles or laws thus arranged in natural order. Science is applied or pure. Applied science is a knowledge of facts, events, or phenomena, as explained, accounted for, or produced, by means of powers, causes, or laws. Pure science is the knowledge of these powers, causes, or laws, considered apart, or as pure from all applications. Both these terms have a similar and special signification when applied to the science of quantity; as, the applied and pure mathematics. Exact science is knowledge so systematized that prediction and verification, by measurement, experiment, observation, etc., are possible. The mathematical and physical sciences are called the exact sciences. Philosophy is the critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs. When applied to any particular department of knowledge, philosophy represents the general laws or principles under which all the subordinate phenomena or facts relating to that subject are comprehended. When applied to material objects, it is called physics. Philosophy is the systematic and rigorous search for the truth about certain non-empirical but enduring questions. Science is any branch or department of systematized knowledge considered as a distinct field of investigation or object of study. Science is an intellectual activity carried on by humans that is designed to discover information about the natural wor ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Byrons Don Juan

Byrons Don Juan Essay Byrons Don JuanOne writer who has not recieved nearly enough credit for his works isGeorge Gordon, who later became known as Lord Byron. This is the man who wrotehis own poetical version of Don Juan. Don Juan is a man who is known for beingable to arouse the desires of women and to love every one he meets. This DonJuan can be viewed, however, as a loosely disguised biography of Byron. Lord Byrons father, Captain John, has ancestors that go back as far asthe Buruns in the time of William the Conqueror. Back in this time it was verycommon for people to marry their own cousins. Captain John was married threetimes and was considered to be very smooth with the ladies. Byron was born on January 22, 1788 in London, and the following year heand his mother moved to Aberdeen, Scotland. His father soon followed, but itwouldnt be long before he would disappear to France and end up dying in 1791. It was just as well because his parents never got along very well. In Lord Byrons early years he experienced poverty, the ill-temper ofhis mother, and the absence of his father. By 1798 he had inherited the titleof 6th Baron Byron and the estate of Newstead Abbey. Once hearing this news, heand his mother quickly removed to England. All of Byrons passions developed early. In 1803 he had his firstserious and abortive romance with Mary Chaworth. At the age of15 he fellplatonically but violently in love with a young distant cousin, Mary Duff(Parker 10). He soon had another affair with a woman named Mary Gray. Soonhereafter he was involved with many liaisons with such women as Lady CarolineLamb and then Lady Oxford. Then just as Byron was beginning to live his life the way he had alwayswanted to, his mother dies in 1811. The following year he became immenselyfashionable and notorious. By 1813 he had began another affair with his half-sister Augusta. Continuing his search for the woman of his dreams, he marrysAnabella Milbanke in 1815 and has a daughter the same year. The next year Lady Byron leaves him to visit her parents and neverreturns. Separation papers are signed and he begins another liaison with ClaireClairmont. The following year(1817), they have a baby named Allegra. Not toolong after this he falls in love with yet another woman, named Marianna Segati. His next love happened two years later, Countess Teresa Guiccioli. Manysay she was his last love and his first. Byron met Teresa at an evening party. They soon began meeting secretly because she was married to Count AlessandroGuiccioli. She had auburn curls, large lovely eyes, beautifully shapedshoulders and arms, and an abundant bosom. She was completely intrigued byByrons beauty. Maybe they both felt that fate brought them together. It wascustomary in the code of serventismo for a married woman to have a lover andthe husband wasnt allowed to be jealous. Count Alessandro did know aboutTeresa and Byrons love for each other, but never spoke of it (Trueblood 99). After this liaison ended, Byrons life began to exhale love and devotionin vast quantities. Then his daughter, Allegra, and one of his close friends,Shelley, died in 1822. Two years later Lord Byron himself died. His body wasthen brought to England and buried in family vault at Hucknall Torkard nearNottingham. At his death he was the most famous poet in Europe and the mostnotorious sexual adventurer. READ: The Image of God EssayLord Byron was a professional poet. His letters and journals prove hisconcern to be the best poet around and to be famous was consistently deep andserious. Ambition for power and popularity came first and remained always theprinciple reason for writing. Byron had a great range of interests andexperiences of ideas and emotion than your average man ever did (Boyd 4). Don Juan is, all-in-all, a legendary lover. Familiar with the Don Juanlegend, Byron deliberately altered the traditional character and made him theinnocent victim of womankind. He experiences love by natural disaster, slavery,war, the court, and the aristocracy. Its two main epic themes are love and war(Joseph 74). The first two cantos of the poem Byron wrote were published without anauthor or a publisher. Many thought the poem was novel and powerful, and causedgreat misgivings for Byrons publisher. Others hoped for the poem to bediscontinued. The first sample of Don Juan got a very mixed reception. Byronspublisher, Murray, told him the poem was too outrageously shocking and to reviseit. He did not listen to Murray. He believed in what he had created and hewanted to continue it.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Brief a Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brief a Case - Assignment Example The injuries occurred from falling scales that toppled because of the explosion of fireworks in a bag that were dropped by Long Island Railway employee. Palsgraf sued the railway company for the conduct of its employees that resulted to the passenger dropping his package. The trial court and the immediate appellate courts ruled in favor of Palsgraf citing negligence (Cardozo 1). The appeals court rescinded the decision of the trial courts citing that negligence is not a tort unless the injury is foreseeable. The legal questions raised in this case were â€Å"How is the duty of care owed determined?† and â€Å"To who does a party owe the duty of care?† The appeals court held that the defendant owes a duty of care only to the individuals who are in the realistically predictable zone of danger (Cardozo 1). The case number 11 CV 0445 Wilson Sporting Goods Company, the Appellant, vs. Edwin Hickox and Lisa Hickox, the Appellee, was decided on January 31, 2013. In the previous history of this case, the appellee, Hickox, was wounded while wearing a Wilson Sporting Goods Company’s mask. Hickox brought liability case against the company and won in the trial court. In this case, Wilson Sporting Goods Company appealed citing that Hickox and his wife presented expert testimony that was devoid of acceptable basis and that the evidence was not sufficient (Fisher et al. 1). The appeals court held the decision of summary judgement to Medtronic citing that the company was liable for injuries caused to Hickox for negligent and defective design, failure to warn and the violation of indirect warranty of the applicability of the item for a particular resolution (Fisher et al. 1). The court awarded Mr. Hickox $750, 000 and Lisa Hickox, his wife $25, 000. The primary question was whether the evidence presented by the expert was adequate. Pursuant to Jones

Contract II Coursework Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contract II Coursework Question - Essay Example In order to circumvent a contract on the grounds of frustration, it has to be established that the events had not only made it much more difficult to comply with the contractual obligations, but that they had also destroyed its very foundation. The BBL Company should have made alternate arrangements to contend with the problems arising from the failure of machinery. As per the case law discussed in the sequel, contractual terms that become more burdensome, cannot provide a defence of frustration of the contract. The BBL Company had breached the implied terms stipulated by the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, as it had failed to complete the work within the specified time. In Bush v Trustees of Port and Town of Whitehaven, it was held by the court that the contractual terms had changed sufficiently, for the contractor to claim an additional amount for the inordinate delay.3 This decision was censured in the Davis Contractors case, and it was opined that a party to a contract could not claim relief from a contractual obligation, merely on the grounds that the contract had become more onerous to perform.4 Consequently, a quantum meruit arises only when the circumstances change to such an extent that the contract is frustrated. The mere fact that the contract has become more expensive or has changed appreciably does not constitute frustration of the contract.5 As a result, the goods had to be sent through a much longer route. This doubled the cost, and the appellants contended that the contract had been frustrated. The House of Lords ruled that there was no frustration, as the shipping route had not been specified.7 As such, it was held that a mere increase in cost did not constitute grounds for the frustration of a contract. In Davis Contractors Ltd v Fareham UDC, a contract had been formed for the construction of a number of houses.

Extended Passage Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Extended Passage Analysis - Essay Example In the words of Begley, â€Å"they sired children not only with willing mates, but also with unwilling ones, allowing them to leave more offspring (also carrying rape genes) who were similarly more likely to survive and reproduce, unto the nth generation,† (2009, P 1). This paper will argue that Thornhill and Palmer’s proposal lacked scientific as well as factual merits to hold ground using extended passage analysis. Step 2 Assess for soundness (4 points). 1[Evolutionary psychology came after sociobiology in the 1980s]. 2[The theory asserts that fitness advantage during the evolution process resulted to aggressive behaviors such as the act of raping for men who carry the genes]. 3[Its genetic nature makes the behavior heritable and is passed from one generation to the next]. 4[They proposed that proximate causes may cause a man to rape and these proximate causes include sexual arousal, feelings of inadequacy, hatred for a family member (either father or mother), drunk t oo much, too much testosterone in his body, and even â€Å"a rare violence inducing gene† (4) among others]. ... 8[To contradict its own, the authors quoted Ridley (1987) On the Origin of Species of which â€Å"Natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, every variations, even the slightest; rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good, silently and insensibly working†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p 87, quoted by Thornhill and Palmer, 2001, 5)]. 9[Reproductive success as a good one for the authors meant production of offspring that survive to produce offspring as they referred to earlier work of Palmer and Steadman, 1997)]. 10[This is undesirable in terms of morality but good in terms of biological discussion (Thornhill and Palmer, 2001)]. 11[The American Psychiatric Association (1994) suggested that experience of rape is usually associated with the development of persistent psychological distress or posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD]. 12[This is characterized by â€Å"unwanted thoughts, images and dreams, avoidance of reminders of the trauma,† among others (Littleton and Henderson, 2009, p 149)]. 13[Described in a very negative manner, the experience of rape assumes a bad or negative experience, thereby, something that many women will not choose to happen to themselves again]. 14[Rape constitutes two beings – the rapist and the victim]. 15[Reproduction, too, consists of two beings and of two opposite sex – the male and the female]. 16[If it is natural to humans to evolve based on natural selection, the raped, pregnant woman who considered rape as bad or negative, therefore, insensibly rejected the bad (Ridley, 1987)]. 17[In a study by Gurven and Hill et (2008) applying evolutionary psychology, it calculated how rape would affect the evolutionary

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evaluate the Strengths and Weakness of the Union and Confederacy Essay

Evaluate the Strengths and Weakness of the Union and Confederacy - Essay Example The war lasted from 1861 to May 1865 and was prompted by the attack of the union navy by confederacy at fort Sumter, South Carolina (Gallagher, 2001). The main goal of the war for the union which comprised 23 states was to maintain the union while the south comprising of 11 confederates was fighting for independence. The paper will discuss the causes of the civil war, the strengths and weaknesses of the union and the confederacy as well as how the north, south and west contributed to the outcome of the war. Kelly (2011) argues that the main cause of the war was the economic and social differences that existed between the north and the south. The north had many material resources and was industrialized while the south depended on agriculture especially cotton plantations. The north had many factories and industries and processed the cotton from the south. As a result of industrialization, the whites and the African Americans in the north interacted socially and the republicans advocat ed for free labor and democracy and this angered the south (Engle, 2001). Slavery was another issue that led to the war. The institution of slavery was viewed as degradation to the value of free of labor by the north. For the south, slavery was inevitable as it provided the much needed cheap labor in the cotton plantations. ... ugh and Muntone (2009), the election of Abraham Lincoln as the president of United States was the height of dissent by the south as he was a proponent of the black rights. Furthermore, the Republican Party was opposed to the extension of slavery to the west hence his election was seen as a threat to slavery by the south thus the secession. The south also felt its rights were being infringed. The union vowed to bring back the states which had seceded and the confederacy on the other hand, vowed to fight for its independence. The north had many advantages over the south at the beginning of the war. It had a population more than twice that of the confederacy. Gallagher (2001, p. 22) observes that the north had a population of 31, 500,000 people in 23 states while the south had a population of 9,100,000 people in 11 confederate states which included 3,500,000 slaves and 130,000 free black people. Since the slaves and the free blacks were opposed to slavery, they were unlikely to help in the fighting. The north thus had a pool of men where it could get replacements, reinforcements and people to engage in noncombat jobs in the industries. Moreover, it had the support of the Border States as well as the free black men from the confederate states. The north also had an advantage in terms of economic strength. According to Farabaugh and Munte (2009, p. 163), the north owned 80% of material resources, factories and industries. It also had four times cash on deposit in the banks than the south hence it could easily obtain the materials needed for the war. The north also had a railroad mileage of 22, 000 compared to 9,000 in the south. Moreover, the northern roads were modern and better maintained. It also had a navy and was in control of the seas thus blocking the ports would

When I came to the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

When I came to the USA - Essay Example Without a doubt, it was a challenge for me as I had to assimilate. As a kid growing up in my home country, I was an average kids who loved to play sports and tried hard in school. However when my parents decided to come to America, the transition was without a doubt difficult. I had to adapt to a new language, new customs, and a whole new culture. Yet, I never gave up I came from an environment where things were conservative. When my brother and I arrived to the U.S.A we were very tired. Our journey was so long and in midst of coming to USA, we did not even have a last proper meal. You can imagine the anxiety, sadness and yet excitement in our hearts. It was a chaotic moment where I had mixed notions. Finally, we landed in the airport as the flight was really long. I could not sleep in the airplane because of the loud humming noise of the engine. Additionally, I was too anxious to land to America, which added to my anxiety. Finally, we landed and got a taxi to a nearby town where we would settle. The neighborhood was close to our school, as that was our main priority. After we reached the new town, we decided to settle in a hotel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     We were looking for a place to stay for almost 3 hours, I was really tired that my feet were trembling and I could not stand up anymore. Finally, we found a room in a hotel, but we werent comfortable. The hotel was terrible because there was a distinct smell. We knew it was not a top hotel due to our budget constraints. Also, it was really dark that we could not see the end of the lobby. A few minutes after looking around, we decided to take the room my brother asked," do you want to stay to night in this hotel? "And I said, "I do not feel comfortable." As soon as I finished my sentence, my brother understood what I was feeling and at once canceled the reservation. We continued looking for a room and we found one, that better than the first one. We took that room for a couple days. At that time, we also were

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Extended Passage Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Extended Passage Analysis - Essay Example In the words of Begley, â€Å"they sired children not only with willing mates, but also with unwilling ones, allowing them to leave more offspring (also carrying rape genes) who were similarly more likely to survive and reproduce, unto the nth generation,† (2009, P 1). This paper will argue that Thornhill and Palmer’s proposal lacked scientific as well as factual merits to hold ground using extended passage analysis. Step 2 Assess for soundness (4 points). 1[Evolutionary psychology came after sociobiology in the 1980s]. 2[The theory asserts that fitness advantage during the evolution process resulted to aggressive behaviors such as the act of raping for men who carry the genes]. 3[Its genetic nature makes the behavior heritable and is passed from one generation to the next]. 4[They proposed that proximate causes may cause a man to rape and these proximate causes include sexual arousal, feelings of inadequacy, hatred for a family member (either father or mother), drunk t oo much, too much testosterone in his body, and even â€Å"a rare violence inducing gene† (4) among others]. ... 8[To contradict its own, the authors quoted Ridley (1987) On the Origin of Species of which â€Å"Natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, every variations, even the slightest; rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good, silently and insensibly working†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p 87, quoted by Thornhill and Palmer, 2001, 5)]. 9[Reproductive success as a good one for the authors meant production of offspring that survive to produce offspring as they referred to earlier work of Palmer and Steadman, 1997)]. 10[This is undesirable in terms of morality but good in terms of biological discussion (Thornhill and Palmer, 2001)]. 11[The American Psychiatric Association (1994) suggested that experience of rape is usually associated with the development of persistent psychological distress or posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD]. 12[This is characterized by â€Å"unwanted thoughts, images and dreams, avoidance of reminders of the trauma,† among others (Littleton and Henderson, 2009, p 149)]. 13[Described in a very negative manner, the experience of rape assumes a bad or negative experience, thereby, something that many women will not choose to happen to themselves again]. 14[Rape constitutes two beings – the rapist and the victim]. 15[Reproduction, too, consists of two beings and of two opposite sex – the male and the female]. 16[If it is natural to humans to evolve based on natural selection, the raped, pregnant woman who considered rape as bad or negative, therefore, insensibly rejected the bad (Ridley, 1987)]. 17[In a study by Gurven and Hill et (2008) applying evolutionary psychology, it calculated how rape would affect the evolutionary

When I came to the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

When I came to the USA - Essay Example Without a doubt, it was a challenge for me as I had to assimilate. As a kid growing up in my home country, I was an average kids who loved to play sports and tried hard in school. However when my parents decided to come to America, the transition was without a doubt difficult. I had to adapt to a new language, new customs, and a whole new culture. Yet, I never gave up I came from an environment where things were conservative. When my brother and I arrived to the U.S.A we were very tired. Our journey was so long and in midst of coming to USA, we did not even have a last proper meal. You can imagine the anxiety, sadness and yet excitement in our hearts. It was a chaotic moment where I had mixed notions. Finally, we landed in the airport as the flight was really long. I could not sleep in the airplane because of the loud humming noise of the engine. Additionally, I was too anxious to land to America, which added to my anxiety. Finally, we landed and got a taxi to a nearby town where we would settle. The neighborhood was close to our school, as that was our main priority. After we reached the new town, we decided to settle in a hotel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     We were looking for a place to stay for almost 3 hours, I was really tired that my feet were trembling and I could not stand up anymore. Finally, we found a room in a hotel, but we werent comfortable. The hotel was terrible because there was a distinct smell. We knew it was not a top hotel due to our budget constraints. Also, it was really dark that we could not see the end of the lobby. A few minutes after looking around, we decided to take the room my brother asked," do you want to stay to night in this hotel? "And I said, "I do not feel comfortable." As soon as I finished my sentence, my brother understood what I was feeling and at once canceled the reservation. We continued looking for a room and we found one, that better than the first one. We took that room for a couple days. At that time, we also were

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Bible as Literature Essay Example for Free

Bible as Literature Essay One of the central arguments of the Old Testament book Genesis is its credibility as a historical account. Nobody may never really know if the events written in this book actually happened or not, especially parts (or chapters) where hints of culture and detailed places can be read. Except maybe chapters 1 and 2 which is the beginning of existence itself. Then again, details may have been passed through oral tradition, but considering the eternity of years between the time of creation and the time words were even put on to the most primitive of ways, details may be greatly distorted. After the creation story (Chapters 1 and 2) virtually all introductions of all chapters start out with the father siring a son, and that’s son’s son. A family tree in other words. An elaborate one at that, because the writer can trace back up to Adam. The Chapter starts out as, again, that familiar family tree starting from the children of Abraham and Keturah, Abraham’s other wife, up to the twins Esau and Jacob. By this, Genesis chapter 25 provides evidence that it should be taken as part of history and not as fiction. Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah. And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Asshirim, and Letushim, and Leummim. And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epherm and Hanochm and Abidahm and Eldaah . All of these were the children of Keturah. (Genesis 25: 1- 4) It is not clear whether Abraham married Keturah when he was still with Sarah or after her death. At any rate, Keturah seemed to be more fruitful, which just helped Abraham seal his place as the Father of All Nations. Patriarchal Theme Indeed Abraham is the father of all nations, heck, we even have a nursery rhyme to prove it, but what about the mother of all nations? Or in this case the mothers of all nations? The patriarchs are always one of the great figures in history and literature, which what the Bible actually is, a piece of (very old) history and literature. Patriarchy is the accepted system in most societies since people evolved into social creatures. Social groups are based in this system, governments, religion, and the family alike. Perhaps the most controversial of all, would be in religion, God is branded as â€Å"He† even though no one can ever really tell. But if Jesus and God are one in the same, logic tells us that the Supreme Being is also male. There’s a popular saying that in order to be of worth in this world; one must either write a book, plant a tree, or sire a son. Sons were always cherished by families, especially fathers since they would be able to inherit the family’s wealth and continue the blood line. In fact, during biblical times, and in some countries, even today, people are addressed by their names following who their father is: I am (name) son of (name of father), or I am from the house of (name of father) They only recognize who the father is. The theme of Patriarchy is a sensitive topic today, especially when women now are becoming more and more involved in the society, and sometimes more successful than most men. It has long been argued what the role of women are in the world. If they are fit in every position the world has to offer. Tradition (and our patriarchal society) tells us that men are supposed to be the leaders, but things has changed since Abraham’s time. There’s no doubt that men should hold high positions in the church, that’s just the way it is. Feminists can’t argue with that, but with everything else, men and women should have fair chances in finding their place in society. Covenant Theme Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go forth from your country, and from your your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so, you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. (Genesis 12:1-3) This is the covenant that God made with Abraham, it’s more like a promise of God to Abraham than a mutual agreement since Abraham benefited a lot from this covenant regardless of his future actions. As long as he leaves his country, his relatives, and his father’s house, all of God’s promises to him would be fulfilled This covenant making business isn’t new to God, e has done this in a couple of occasions. First was his covenant with Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit and was expelled from Paradise, God cut them some slack so they could still live and procreate. Another was during Noah’s time after God destroyed the rest of Mankind, except Noah’s family, He promised Noah that he would no longer destroy man by the use of flood. Then came Abraham. (Genesis 6-9) Abraham lived a comfortable life before God called upon him. What God was asking Abraham wasn’t easy. Nomads were considered inferior during that time plus the fact that God didn’t specify where exactly He wanted Abraham to be. Regardless of this uncertainty, he followed God’s will, and left the city, with all its comforts, to live the life of a nomad in the desert plains. (Genesis 12:1-3,7; 13: 14-18; 15: 4, 5, 13-18; 17-19; 22: 15-18) The covenant that God made Abraham is known as an Unconditional Covenant, for the promises that God made to Abraham would not be revoked even if he does not continue to comply on his side of the bargain. As long as Abraham leaves the city, all the conditions would be fulfilled by God. There’s more to it than God blessing Abraham’s descendants and making them more numerous than the stars. Let’s see what are some of the things that Abraham got from this deal: 1. Abraham will become the father of all nations (technically just Israel) 2. Abraham would inherit Canaan 3. He would be blessed 4. His name would be great 5. He would be a blessing to others 6. He and Sarah would have a son despite their old age Brewer, David, God’s Covenant with Abraham These promises however aren’t instantaneous, some are in the distant future ranging from Isaac’s birth, about 20 years later, and the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, which is a good 400 years later after the covenant. Critical Analysis of the literary, cultural, and religious issues The first issue that may be noticed in this chapter is from the first verse. Abraham taking a new wife, Keturah. The author does not say if Keturah was concubine of Abraham or if she was â€Å"taken† by Abraham after his wife’s death. One thing’s for sure, God is fulfilling His promise that Abraham would have descendants more numerous than the stars. It might sound a bit odd for a Christian to read about a Christian figure having concubines, but apparently, Abraham have had lots of concubines, and have had many sons with them. Another issue is Abraham’s death. Genesis tells us that he died one hundred and seventy five years old probably three times, on average, of today’s life expectancy. Sure, people back then lived a lot longer than today, but 175 is way too old. The calendar year then may have been different from today. Abraham gave gifts to his sons and sent them away towards the country to the east, while everything else he gave to Isaac. There’s Hebrew story that Abraham sent the other sons away fearing that they might begin conflicts. He might be right, because Islam can be traced back from the other sons of Abraham. On the family level, favouritisms were already a part of the family during that time. Isaac preferred Esau while Rebecca likes Jacob. Isaac probably liked Esau more, because he was a hunter, he provided the family with his game. Esau would make any typical dad proud. Esau liked the outdoors and was very masculine . Jacob on the other hand stayed at home, tending to the tents or in modern day terms, doing household chores. Of course mothers would have loved this. (Genesis 25: 27-28) Divine election is the power of God to choose whoever He desires, to do something or receive his blessing. God had already chosen Isaac and Jacob to be the recipients of Abraham’s blessings way before they were born. However this doesn’t mean that God chose them because he already knew that they would be more pious than the others. In Jacob’s case, Esau might have been more worthy of God’s blessing since Jacob took advantage of his brother’s weakness. Esau sold his birth right to Jacob for food, saying that he doesn’t need it since he is dying. God had chosen them simply because it is his will. He is God after all. (Deffinbaugh, Th. M, Divine Election) Arguably the most controversial issue is Jacob, as mentioned, Jacob schemed to buy his brother’s birth right so he can have most out of the inheritance he would get from his father. He need not do this because he was already chosen by God. Which Rebecca probably revealed to him already since he is her favorite. (Genesis 25: 31-33) Genesis’ Author The author of Genesis was probably a nomad just like Abraham, who raised livestock like cattle, and sheep on the plains of their land. The author may have written the book out of the urge to tell a story to trace their roots, or if it’s true, really trace his family tree up to Abraham. The author must have felt that he had to write into account his family’s heritage. What Genesis is, is really just an extensive family tree from Adam, to his last descendant in the book. The author might have written the chapters of the book, sitting under a shade of tree after tending to his flock. To pass time, he might have decided that he might as well do something productive during his break. It’s possible that these stories were later told at his household and soon became popular that it was told to every tent in the community. There’s also a chance that the author was a scholar, born several hundreds of maybe a thousand years after the estimated date of its last chapter. He (assuming he was a man) maybe the very first ethnographer of the world. If in deed, he was, he was very successful. He gathered a large number of information; from traditions/cultures: what the ancient people actually do during those times and how they lived, what they wore†¦etc. , history; detailed accounts of what happened, including probable conversations that might have happened between the people and God, and among themselves. What the author has done is simply astonishing, generations upon generations of ancient history, written in just one book, and its not even as thick as today’s novels. which may hypothesize that the book wasn’t just made by a single author but by the family historian in each generation. Works Cited Deffinbaugh, Th. M. â€Å"The Principle of Divine Election† bible. org. September 1, 2008 http://www. bible. org/page. php? page_id=104 New American Bible. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 3211 4th Street, N. E. , Washington, DC 20017-1194 (202) 541-3000

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cryptography: Theories, Functions and Strategies

Cryptography: Theories, Functions and Strategies Abstract Digital signing is a mechanism for certifying the origin and the integrity of electronically transmitted information. In the process of digitally signing, additional information called a digital signature is added to the given document, calculated using the contents of the document and some private key. At a later stage, this information can be used to check the origin of the signed document. The mathematical base of the digital signing of documents is public key cryptography. This work presents the theory behind digital signatures, signature schemes and attacks on signatures and provides a survey of application areas of the digital signing technology. Moreover, there are lab exercises developed in Mathlab, to reinforce the understanding of this technology. 1. Introduction The Concise Oxford Dictionary (2006) defines cryptography as the art of writing or solving codes, however modern cryptography does not met this definition. Therefore, this work starts with a literature review defining some key concepts, like what cryptography and cryptographic system are and the different types of cryptographic system are presented. The other interesting and preliminary concept is the notion of cryptosystem functions which are also discussed in the introductory section. Furthermore, it is stated that public-key encryption represents a revolution in the field of cryptography, and this work poses some basic definitions on this topic trying to explain the theory behind. The rest of the literature review is concentrated on public key cryptography and it focuses on the theory behind digital signatures, signature schemes and attacks on signatures. And finally, the literature review presents a survey of application areas on digital signatures. One part of the contribution of this work, is an overview of the secure hash standard (SHS) and implementation of the secure hash algorithm (SHA-1), required for use with digital signature algorithms. The main part though, is the implementation of AES and RSA by utilizing Mathlab. The code of all these implementations is thoroughly discussed and explained in this work. Moreover, a comparison is also presented subsequently. 2. Cryptography The Greek words â€Å"krypt ´os† standing for â€Å"hidden† and the word â€Å"l ´ogos† that means â€Å"word†, are in essence the base from where the word cryptology was derived. As these words denote, cryptology can be best explained by the meaning â€Å"hidden word†. In this context, the original purpose behind cryptology is hiding the meaning of some specific combination of words which in turn would insure secrecy and confidentiality. This is a very limited viewpoint in today’s perspective and a wide range of security applications and issues now come under the term of cryptology (rest of the portion of this section will clarify this point of view). As field of mathematical science, Cryptology includes the study of both cryptanalysis as well as cryptography. On one hand, cryptography is a very broad term and represents any process used for data protection. On the other hand, the study of security related issues and the probabilities of breaking the cryptographic systems and a technique is known as cryptanalysis. By making reference to (Shirey, 2000), the field cryptanalysis can be best described as the â€Å"mathematical science that deals with analysis of a cryptographic system in order to gain knowledge needed to break or circumvent the protection that the system is designed to provide.† In simple words, cryptanalyst can be regarded as the opponent of the cryptographer i.e. he/she has to get around the security which cryptographer devised on his/her part. (Buchmann, 2004) claims that a cryptographic system (or in short a cryptosystem) describes â€Å"a set of cryptographic algorithms together with the key management processes that support use of the algorithms in some application context.† This is a diverse explanation that includes all sorts of cryptographic algorithms as well as protocols. However, hidden parameters like cryptographic keys may or may not be used by a cryptographic system (Delfs, 2007). Similarly, participants of the undergoing communication may or may not share those secret parameters. Thus, cryptographic can be classified into following three types: a cryptographic system in which no secret parameters are employed (called an un-keyed cryptosystem); a cryptosystem which makes use of secret parameters and at the same time shares the parameters between the participants (known as a secret key cryptographic system); and a system that utilizes the secret parameters, but not sharing them with the participants (call ed a public key cryptographic system) (Shirey, 2000; Buchmann, 2004). Cryptography aims at designing and implementing cryptographic systems and utilizing such systems which are secure effectively. The first a formal definition about the term cryptography dates from relatively past time. Back then, the approach known by the name â€Å"security through obscurity† was being used (Dent, 2004). There are a lot of examples based on this approach by which security of the system was improved by keeping internal working and design secret. Majority of those systems do not serve the purpose and security may well be violated. The Kerckhoffs’ principle is a very famous cryptographic principle which states that (Kerckhoffs, 1883): â€Å"Except for parameters clearly defined to be secret, like the cryptographic keys, a cryptosystem must be designed in such a way as to be secure even with the case that the antagonist knows all details about the system†. However, it might be noted that one important aspect is that a cryptosystem is perfectly securing theoretically grounds, but it may not remain the same when implemented practically. Different possibilities of generating attacks on security of such systems can arise while having the practical implementation (Anderson, 1994). Attacks which make use of exploitation of side channel information are the examples of such attacks. If a cryptosystem is executed, it can result in the retrieval of side channel information with unspecified inputs and outputs (Anderson, 1994). In encryption systems, the input is plaintext message plus the key, while the specific output is the cipher text. Thus, there are chances on information leakage. Power consumption, timing characteristics along with the radiation of all types are some examples in this regard. On the other hand, side channel attacks are the types of network attacks which extract side channel information. Since the mid 1990s there were many di fferent possibilities have been found by the researchers in order to build up side channel attacks. A few examples in this regard are the differential power analysis (Bonehl, 1997), and fault analysis (Biham, 1997; Kocher, 1999) as well as the timing attacks (Kocher, 1996). It is a very practical statement that any computation performed on real computer systems represents some physical phenomena which can be examined and analyzed to provide information regarding the keying material being employed. Cryptography does not help to cope with this situation because of the inherent nature of this problem. 2.1 Cryptosystem functions Other than the usual random bit generators as well as the hash functions, there are no secret parameters that are used in cryptosystem functions. These are the junketed functions that characterize the cryptographic system functions. In cryptographic functions, the elements used are usually one-way and it is difficult or almost impossible to invert them. This follows that it is easy to compute a cryptographic function whereas it is hard to invert the functions and also to compute the results of the relationships (Kerckhoffs, 1883). It is difficult to apply any mathematical method for inverting the cryptographic system functions in a way that will be coherent and meaningful. For example, a cryptographic system functions such as F: X → Y is easy to comfortably use mathematical knowledge to compute while it is hard to use the same to invert (Buchmann, 2004; Shirey, 2000). There are many examples of one-way functions that we can use to demonstrate the meaning of the cryptosystems. In a situation where one has stored numbers on the cell phone, computation of the same is possible and easy due to the fact that the names are stored in an alphabetical manner (Garrett, 2001). If one inverts the relationship of these functions, it will be impossible to compute because the numbers are not arranged numerically in the storage phonebook. It is notable that a lot of other things that we do in daily life are comparable to cryptosystem function in the sense that you cannot invert or undo them. For example, if one breaks a glass, the process is one way because it is not possible for these pieces to be restored together again (Goldreich, 2004). Similarly, when one drops something into water, it is not practically possible to reverse the action of dropping this item (Mao, 2003). The English corresponding action would be to un-drop the item as opposed to picking it. Cry ptosystem functions cannot be demonstrated as purely one-way and this is the branching point between cryptosystem functions and the real world of things and circumstances. The only one-way functions in mathematics can be exemplified by discrete exponentiation, modular power and modular square functions. Public key cryptography uses these functions in its operations but it has not been well documented whether they are really one-way or not. There has been debate in practice whether one-way functions really exist in the first place or not (Garrett, 2001). In the recent day cryptographic discussions a lot of care should be applied when referring to the one-way functions so as not to interfere or make false claims to the functional attributes of these parameters. There is a need to look for extra information and knowledge concerning one-way functions so that efficient and meaningful inversions are possible and mathematically coherent. Therefore, functions such as F: X → Y is considered to be a one-way function (Koblitz, 1994; Schneier, 1996). This follows that if F can successfully and coherently inverted, the need for extra information is needed. This will hence bring the notion of the meaning of the other parameters in relation to F. Computer science uses the hash functions in its operations. This is because these functions are computable and generates output dependent on the input that was used (Katz, 2007; Koblitz, 1994). 3. Digital signatures The public-key encryption presents a revolution in the field of cryptography and until its invention the cryptographers had relied completely on common, secret keys in order to achieve confidential communication (Smart, 2003). On the contrary, the public-key techniques, allow for the parties to communicate privately without the requirement to decide on a secret key in advance. While the concept of private-key cryptography is presented as two parties agree on a secret keyk which can be used (by either party) for both encryption and decryption; public-key encryption is asymmetric in both these respects (Stinson, 2005). Namely, in public-key encryption: One party (the receiver) generates a pair of keys (pk, sk), where pk is called the public key and ps is the private key, The public key is used by a sender to encrypt a message for the receiver, and The receiver uses the private key to decrypt that message. There three parts of information form part of public key certificate: Some naming information A Public key Digital signatures (this can be one or more) Encryptions and digital signatures were introduced to make the web transactions secure and manageable. The use of cryptographic techniques was applied to enhance and provide security layer such that the encrypted information and files would remain secure and confidential. Very frequently, a digital signature is mistaken with the inverse of a public-key encryption, but this is not entirely true. In the history, a digital signature could be obtained by reversing, but today in the majority of the situations this process would be impossible to be performed. Basically, a digital signature is a form of a mathematical scheme for signifying the genuineness of a digital message. A valid digital signature would provide a proof to the person that receives the message or the document that these information is indeed created by a specified sender. Moreover, it would prove that message or the document was not altered during the transportation. Digital signatures are usually used for software distribution or mainly money transactions, where it is very important to detect the possibility of forgery. As a part of the field in asymmetric cryptography, it might be noted that a digital signature is somehow equivalent of the traditional handwritten signatures. On the other hand, in order to be effective, a digital signature should be correctly implemented. Another very important concept is the notion of non-repudiation. This means that if somebody signs a document by using a digital signature, they can not say that it was not signed by them, even though their private key remains as a secret. On the other hand, there is a time stamp, so that even if the private key of a sender is compromised in future, the digital signature will remain valid. Examples of such messages are: electronic mail contracts messages sent via some cryptographic protocol A digital signature usually is comprised of: An algorithm for producing a key. This algorithm would find a private key by chance from all the possible private keys available. Then it will output that private key with a matching public key. A signing algorithm that, given a message and a private key, produces a signature. A signature authenticating algorithm that, given a message, public key and a signature, it will accept or reject the message. Primary, a signature produced from a fixed message and a private key verifies that the genuineness of that message is ok, by means of the matching public key. Then, it has to be computationally infeasible to make an appropriate signature for a party that doesn’t have the private key 4. Algorithms 4.1. Introduction to SHS This section provides an overview of the secure hash standard (SHS) and implementation of the secure hash algorithm (SHA-1), required for use with digital signature algorithms. SHA-1 is used for computing a compressed version of a message or a data file. If that data has a length smaller than 264 buts, then the output will be 160-bit and is called a message digest. The message digest used for an input to the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). This algorithm will verify the signature for the message. Signing the message digest instead of the originall message itself, might advance the effectiveness of the procedure. This is since the message digest is usually much slighter in size than the original message. Very important is that the same hash algorithm should be used by both the verifier and the digital signature creator. The usage of the SHA-1 with the DSA can be presented as follows: Interesting for SHA-1 is that it is computationally impossible to discover a message which matchs to a given digest. Moreover, it is also impossible to find two dissimilar messages which create an identical message digest. 4.2. Implementation of SHA-1 The following functions were implemented for the SHA-1 algorithm: Name of source file: secure_hash_algorithm.m. Function in the source file: secure_hash_algorithm (message). This function takes an input a string of characters. Example: Hello, How are you? How is it going on? Output is the message digest, the hash value of the message. Thus, the hash value of the above message is F418F52AE6DC208599F91191E6C40FA876F33754. Name of source file: arithematic_shift_operations.m. Function in the source file: arithematic_shift_operations (number, position, op). The inputs are: number: it is a hexadecimal large number of any size. The number is represented in base 16 and is stored as a string. Ex: ‘FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’ position: the number of positions to be shifted by. It is a decimal number in base 10. Op: it is the type of operation done. Inputs are ‘SRA’ -> shift right arithematic and ‘SLA’ -> shift left arithematic. For example, the function: arithematic_shift_operations(‘FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’, 3, ‘SRA’) would return ‘1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’, and arithematic_shift_operations(‘FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’, 3, ‘SLA’) would return ‘FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8’. Name of source file: bi2hex.m. Function in the source file: bi2hex (number). The input to this function is a vector of ones and zeros and the result is a hexadecimal output represented in string. For example, for the input â€Å"Number = [1 1 1 1]† bi2hex (Number) returns ‘F’ and for â€Å"Number = [1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 ]† bi2hex (Number) returns ‘F1’. Name of source file: hex2bi.m. Function in the source file: hex2bi (number). The input to this function is a number stored in form of a string in base 16 and the result is a vector containing the binary representation of input string. For example, for the input â€Å"Number = ‘F’ †, hex2bi (Number) returns â€Å"[1 1 1 1]† and for â€Å"Number = ‘F1’ â€Å", bi2hex (Number) returns â€Å"[1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1]†. Name of source file: hexadecimal_big_number_adder.m. Function in the source file: hexadecimal_big_number_adder (number_one, number_two). The inputs to this function are numbers stored in hexadecimal string format. Output is the result, a hexadecimal string and carry, a decimal number. After using this function, it has to be checked if the carry is generated, Incase if it is generated then the carry has to be appended in the beginning to the result. For example: Number_one = ‘FFFFFFFF’ Number_two = ‘EEEEEEEE’ [result, carry] = hexadecimal_big_number_adder (Number_one, Number_two) Result = ‘EEEEEEED’ , carry = 1; Hence the real sum is Result = strcat(dec2hex(0), Result); this results to ‘1EEEEEEED’ Name of source file: hexadecimal_big_number_subtractor.m. Function in the source file: hexadecimal_big_number_subtractor(number_one, number_two). The inputs to this function are numbers stored in hexadecimal string format. Output is the result, a hexadecimal string and sign, a decimal number. If sign is -1, then the result generated is a negative number else is a positive number. . For example: Number_one= ‘EEEEEEEE’ Number_two= ‘FFFFFFFF’ [result, sign] = hexadecimal_big_number_subtractor(Number_one, Number_two) Result = ‘11111111’ Sign = -1. Name of source file: hexadecimal_big_number_multiprecision_multiplication.m. Function in the source file: hexadecimal_big_number_multiprecision_multiplication(multiplicand, multiplier). The input is a multiplicand stored in string format is a hexadecimal number. And so is multiplier. The output is a result and is stored in form of a string. For example: multiplicand= ‘EEEEEEEE’ multiplier= ‘FFFFFFFF’ hexadecimal_big_number_multiprecision_multiplication(multiplicand, multiplier) result is ‘EEEEEEED11111112’ Name of source file: comparision_of.m. Function in the source file: comparision_of(number_one, number_two, index). This function compares two numbers in hexadecimal format stored in form of strings. Always input index as decimal 1. Therefore, it: Returns 1 if Number_one > Number_two, Returns 0 if Number_one = Number_two, and Returns -1 if Number_one For example, if Number_one= ‘EEEEEEEE’ Number_two= ‘FFFFFFFF’, the result would be: comparision_of(Number_one, Number_two, 1) returns -1. Name of source file: hexadecimal_big_number_modular_exponentiation.m. Function in the source file: hexadecimal_big_number_modular_exponentiation (base, exponent, modulus). This function calculates (power(base, exponent) % modulus). Here the input base, exponent and modulus are hexadecimal strings of any size. For example: Base = ‘FFF’ Exponent = ‘EEE’ Modulus = ‘AAAA’ hexadecimal_big_number_modular_exponentiation (Base, Exponent, Modulus) returns ‘8BAB’ Name of source file: hexadecimal_big_number_multiplicative_inverse.m. Function in the source file: Z = hexadecimal_big_number_multiplicative_inverse(number_one, number_two). This function returns multiplicative inverse of number_two modulo number_one. If az = 1 (mod m) then z is the multiplicative inverse of a mod m. Here â€Å"number_one = m†, â€Å"number_two = a†, â€Å"number_one = ‘FFFF’ †, â€Å"number_two = ‘1235’ â€Å" andresult is ‘634D’, which in turn is the multiplicative inverse of number_two.Hence : (result * number_two) mod number_one = 1 Name of source file: hexadecimal_big_number_test_for_primality.m. Function in the source file: hexadecimal_big_number_test_for_primality(number). The input to this function is an ODD number stored in hexadecimal format as a string. This function returns 1 if the input is a prime and returns -1 if input is composite. Name of source file: power_of_two_conversion_to_hexadecimal.m. Function in the source file: power_of_two_conversion_to_hexadecimal(power). The input is the number, the power to which two has to be raised to. It is a decimal number and the output is a hexadecimal number in form of string. For example, power_of_two_conversion_to_hexadecimal(4) returns ‘10’ i.e 16 in decimal system. Name of source file: hexadecimal_big_number_division.m. Function in the source file: hexadecimal_big_number_division (dividend, divisor). This function returns quotient and remainder both in hexadecimal string format. The inputs to this function are strings of hexadecimal format. This function uses other two functions in turn which are defined in source file Get_multiplier.m, multiplication_by_single_digit_multiplier.m. Name of source file: remove_leading_zeros.m. Function in the source file: remove_leading_zeros (number). This function takes number in hexadecimal string format as input and removes the leading zeros in the string and returns it. For example, if â€Å"Number = ‘000000012345’ â€Å", then the function returns ‘12345’. Some of the most prominent functions are presented in Appendix A. 4.3. Introduction to MD5 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm is a extensively utilised in cryptographic hash functions. Basically this is the case for cryptographic hash functions with a 128-bit (16-byte) hash value. MD5 is used in many security applications, and in addition it is frequently used to check data integrity. An MD5 hash is typically expressed as a 32-digit hexadecimal number. The following figure represents a schematic view of the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm. 4.4. Implementation of MD5 This algorithm would compute MD5 hash function for files. For example, if as input is given the d = md5(FileName), then the function md5() will computes the MD5 hash function of the file specified in the string FileName. This function will returns it as a 64-character array dwhere d is the digest. The following methodology that the MD5 algorithm was implemented: Initially, the function Digestis called. This function would read the whole file, and will make it uint32 vector FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt [Message,nBits] = readmessagefromfile(FileName); Then, it would append a bit in the last one that was read from that file: BytesInLastInt = mod(nBits,32)/8; if BytesInLastInt Message(end) = bitset(Message(end),BytesInLastInt*8+8); else Message = [Message; uint32(128)]; end Consequetly, it will append the zeros: nZeros = 16 mod(numel(Message)+2,16); Message = [Message; zeros(nZeros,1,uint32)]; And a bit length of the original message as uint64, such as the lower significant uint32 first: Lower32 = uint32(nBits); Upper32 = uint32(bitshift(uint64(nBits),-32)); Message = [Message; Lower32; Upper32]; The 64-element transformation array is: T = uint32(fix(4294967296*abs(sin(1:64)))); The 64-element array of number of bits for circular left shift: S = repmat([7 12 17 22; 5 9 14 20; 4 11 16 23; 6 10 15 21].,4,1); S = S(:).; Finally, the 64-element array of indices into X can be presented as: idxX = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 11 0 5 10 15 4 9 14 3 8 13 2 7 12 5 8 11 14 1 4 7 10 13 0 3 6 9 12 15 2 0 7 14 5 12 3 10 1 8 15 6 13 4 11 2 9] + 1; The initial state of the buffer is consisting of A, B, C and D. such as: A = uint32(hex2dec(67452301)); B = uint32(hex2dec(efcdab89)); C = uint32(hex2dec(98badcfe)); D = uint32(hex2dec(10325476)); The message is reshaped, such as: Message = reshape(Message,16,[]); The look between the blocks, such that X is an extraction of the next block: for iBlock = 1:size(Message,2) X = Message(:,iBlock); The buffer states are stored as: AA = A; BB = B; CC = C; DD = D; The buffer is transformed by utilizing the X block from above, and the parameters from S, T and idxX k = 0; for iRound = 1:4 for q = 1:4 A = Fun(iRound,A,B,C,D,X(idxX(k+1)),S(k+1),T(k+1)); D = Fun(iRound,D,A,B,C,X(idxX(k+2)),S(k+2),T(k+2)); C = Fun(iRound,C,D,A,B,X(idxX(k+3)),S(k+3),T(k+3)); B = Fun(iRound,B,C,D,A,X(idxX(k+4)),S(k+4),T(k+4)); k = k + 4; end end The old buffer state is also being added: A = bitadd32(A,AA); B = bitadd32(B,BB); C = bitadd32(C,CC); D = bitadd32(D,DD); end The message digest is being formed the following way: Str = lower(dec2hex([A;B;C;D])); Str = Str(:,[7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2]).; Digest = Str(:).; The subsequent functionality is performed by the following operations: function y = Fun(iRound,a,b,c,d,x,s,t) switch iRound case 1 q = bitor(bitand(b,c),bitand(bitcmp(b),d)); case 2 q = bitor(bitand(b,d),bitand(c,bitcmp(d))); case 3 q = bitxor(bitxor(b,c),d); case 4 q = bitxor(c,bitor(b,bitcmp(d))); end y = bitadd32(b,rotateleft32(bitadd32(a,q,x,t),s)); And the bits are rotated such as: function y = rotateleft32(x,s) y = bitor(bitshift(x,s),bitshift(x,s-32)); The sum function is presented as: function sum = bitadd32(varargin) sum = varargin{1}; for k = 2:nargin add = varargin{k}; carry = bitand(sum,add); sum = bitxor(sum,add); for q = 1:32 shift = bitshift(carry,1); carry = bitand(shift,sum); sum = bitxor(shift,sum); end end A message is being read frm a file, such as: function [Message,nBits] = readmessagefromfile(FileName) [hFile,ErrMsg] = fopen(FileName,r); error(ErrMsg); Message = fread(hFile,inf,ubit32=>uint32); fclose(hFile); d = dir(FileName); nBits = d.bytes*8; Lastly, the auto test function is the following: function md5autotest disp(Running md5 autotest); Messages{1} = ; Messages{2} = a; Messages{3} = abc; Messages{4} = message digest; Messages{5} = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz; Messages{6} = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789; Messages{7} = char(128:255); CorrectDigests{1} = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e; CorrectDigests{2} = 0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661; CorrectDigests{3} = 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72; CorrectDigests{4} = f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0; CorrectDigests{5} = c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b; CorrectDigests{6} = d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f; CorrectDigests{7} = 16f404156c0500ac48efa2d3abc5fbcf; TmpFile = tempname; for k=1:numel(Messages) [h,ErrMsg] = fopen(TmpFile,w); error(ErrMsg); fwrite(h,Messages{k},char); fclose(h); Digest = md5(TmpFile); fprintf(%d: %sn,k,Digest); if ~strcmp(Digest,CorrectDigests{k}) error(md5 autotest failed on the following string: %s,Messages{k}); end end delete(TmpFile); disp(md5 autotest passed!); 4.4.1 Results This algorithm is tested with the input: university of Portsmouth department of electronic and computer engineering. This was written on the file: â€Å"C://md5InputFile.txt†. The outpus results are as in the following fugures: Textual description of the output results follows: OUTPUT FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt Running md5 autotest FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt 1986621045 1769173605 1864399220 1867522150 1836282994 1752462703 1885692960 1836348001 544501349 1696622191 1952671084 1768845170 1851859043 1868767332 1953853549 1696625253 1852401518 1769104741 26478 1: 3129b41fa9e7159c2a03ad8c161a7424 FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt 1986621045 1769173605 1864399220 1867522150 1836282994 1752462703 1885692960 1836348001 544501349 1696622191 1952671084 1768845170 1851859043 1868767332 1953853549 1696625253 1852401518 1769104741 26478 2: 3129b41fa9e7159c2a03ad8c161a7424 FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt 1986621045 1769173605 1864399220 1867522150 1836282994 1752462703 1885692960 1836348001 544501349 1696622191 1952671084 1768845170 1851859043 1868767332 1953853549 1696625253 1852401518 1769104741 26478 3: 3129b41fa9e7159c2a03ad8c161a7424 FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt 1986621045 1769173605 1864399220 1867522150 1836282994 1752462703 1885692960 1836348001 544501349 1696622191 1952671084 1768845170 1851859043 1868767332 1953853549 1696625253 1852401518 1769104741 26478 4: 3129b41fa9e7159c2a03ad8c161a7424 FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt 1986621045 1769173605 1864399220 1867522150 1836282994 1752462703 1885692960 1836348001 544501349 1696622191 1952671084 1768845170 1851859043 1868767332 1953853549 1696625253 1852401518 1769104741 26478 5: 3129b41fa9e7159c2a03ad8c161a7424 FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt 1986621045 1769173605 1864399220 1867522150 1836282994 1752462703 1885692960 1836348001 544501349 1696622191 1952671084 1768845170 1851859043 1868767332 1953853549 1696625253 1852401518 1769104741 26478 6: 3129b41fa9e7159c2a03ad8c161a7424 FileName = C:\md5InputFile.txt 1986621045 1769173605 1864399220 1867522150 1836282994 1752462703 1885692960 1836348001 544501349 1696622191 1952671084 1768845170 1851859043 1868767332 1953853549 1696625253 1852401518 1769104741 26478 7: 3129b41fa9e7159c2a03ad8c161a7424 md5 autotest passed! 4.5. Introduction to Caesar cipher The Caesar cipher in cryptography, is in essence a shift cipher. It represents as one of the simplest and most widely known encryption methodologies. The Caesar cipher is a kind of substitution cipher. It means that each letter in a given plaintext is replaced by another letter. This is done due shifting by some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. Julius Caesar was the first to use this ci